

Trusting God’s Plan when You Come to a Fork in the Road

Following God's plan seemed easy at first, because of the excitement associated with a new adventure.  Then, I came to a fork in the road, where one path was wide open and easy and the other was less travelled and a little scary.  Though I could have gone in either direction, I did something far more dangerous and did what Peter did when he tried to reach Jesus by walking on water.  He knew Jesus had told him to come, yet when confronted with the waves, the wind, and the darkness…

4 Ways Scripture teaches How to Handle Conflict

When conflict arises, what do you do?  How do you handle it? I would love to say that I handle things the way God instructs us.  It seems lately however that conflict has risen its ugly head.  A lot of Christians think we will be free of conflict and controversy, but if you are following God's plan for your life, you will face such things. One morning last week I was reminded that in the midst of conflict, I can handle things God's way or mine. This involves…

From Hope Deferred to Delight In The Lord

Proverbs 13:12 tells us, Hope Deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Have you ever been so disappointed that it caused you deep sorrow?  I have experienced disappointment in: myself, my family, my job and even God, but this was different. I had never felt this depth of disappointment until this past week.   Scripture tells us to capture every thought but I was filling my day and my thoughts with other things to get my mind off…